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05 Shk 2025


When can I give honey to my baby? 

Honey is definitely a “golden” food with so many benefits both for kids and adults. It’s rich in antioxidants, often used as cough medicine, helps improve liver function; is rich in minerals, vitamins, zinc, and has many other benefits for our health.  BUT honey is absolutely...

Kur mund ti jap bebit mjalte? 

Mjalti eshte nje nga ato ushqimet “e arta” me jashtezakonisht shume benefite per trupin e njeriut (femije e te rritur).  Eshte shume i pasur me antioksidant, sherben shpesh si ilac natyral per kollen, ndihmon ne mire-funksionimin e pastrimin e melcise; eshte i pasur me mineral,...

Kur mund ti jap bebit veze? 

Veza eshte nje nga ushqimet me te zakonshme, me te lira, por edhe me super! Vetem ne nje veze ka rreth 70 kalori dhe 6 gram proteine, per mos te folur pastaj per vitaminen B12, folat, selenium, fosfor etj te gjitha vlera kaq te nevojshme...

When can I give my baby eggs? 

Eggs are one of the most common, cheap but also super foods! In only one full egg there is around 70 calories and six grams of protein, to not even mention B12 vitamin, folate, selenium phosphor etc; all nutritional elements very important for a baby’s...