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16 Tet 2024


Greetings and welcome to The Mom Corner

My name is Ina, I am Noah’s mom and the founder of the Mom Corner.

Here are few things to get to know me and The Mom Corner a bit better:
I studied psychology in Lithuania for 4 years, later returned to my home country and worked in various organizations, as a guidance counselor and/or psychologist in very child-focused environments. In 2019 I moved to New York State and conducted my studies at Cornell University in Public Administration and Education policy.

As the COVID-19 pandemic reached its peaked, together with my now husband we decided to get married (YEAY for virtual weddings in pandemic times :D) and five months later I learned the most amazing and life-changing news: I was going to be a mom!

I never was one of those girls that dreamt for the white dress, but I have always dreamt of becoming a mother. My pregnancy with Noah has been beautiful but also as hard. During the last two months, I had to be hospitalized twice, and during the time that I was out of the hospital I still had to go in 2-3 times per day. It was a struggle but it was all worth it, as long as Noah was safe.

The idea for The Mom Corner was born when Noah was 3 months old, as combination of a long family walk while having those lovely discussions with my husband and a night where sleep was nowhere to be seen until 3 am. Somewhere in between at 1 am, I created the account and the first post for The Mom Corner; and I never expected it to reach this growth so fast.

In the meantime, the more moms were joining, the more I was understanding the great need there was for this- a space completely judgment free, where moms could support one another, where their instinct would be listened to and respected, where they could find information that was evidence based but also snippets of reality so that they wouldn’t feel alone.

With every day that passes, the vision for The Mom Corner to me becomes clearer: A corner dedicated to moms, with all the challenges that motherhood poses, and to education and the raising of babies and kids. A safe space where you can find not only information and support, but suggestions on products, new friends, fellow moms that are going through the same struggles, and lots and lots of virtual hugs.

Welcome to The Mom Corner, I really hope you will feel at home here!
